JTL is the largest, and one of the most reputable Plumbing and Heating Apprenticeship training providers in the UK. As well as being the only Plumbing and Heating Apprenticeship provider operating throughout the whole of England and Wales, JTL has a solid ‘Grade II’ Ofsted rating (Good) and a long-proven track record of high-quality apprenticeship delivery.

The JIB-PMES is therefore proud to work in partnership with JTL, providing benefits and CSCS registration cards to its Plumbing, Heating and Mechanical Engineering Services apprentices.

If you are an employer interested in recruiting an apprentice at some stage during 2020, we recommend contacting JTL at an early stage. Their knowledgeable and experienced team will be able to assist with recruitment, selection and registration to help you find the best candidate for your vacancy.

For more information on JTL and on the PHMES apprenticeship programmes that are currently offered, please click here to view/download their latest promotional flyer – JTL Apprenticeship flyer – 09.2019

JTL: 0800 085 2308       www.jtltraining.com