The card will be valid for a period of 3 years and will be non-renewable. To be eligible for the card, applicants must be able to provide evidence of being registered on an appropriate technical NVQ or equivalent qualification which, on completion, will entitle them to apply for a core trade JIB-PMES blue or gold card.
Applicants must also be able to provide evidence that they have at least 3 years’ experience of working in the PMES sector.
This endorsement of adequate experience will be confirmed on the application form in a section to be completed by a Manager or Supervisor (or, for those who are self-employed – a client or other suitably qualified tradesperson). The H&S requirement for the card will be identical to that of the Trainee card: i.e. applicants will either have their H&S knowledge signed off by their qualification tutor/assessor, or they will have to complete a suitable HS&E test.
The card that will be issued to JIB-PMES ‘Experienced Workers’ will be red (as per the example shown above). The card will be priced at £20.00, (£80.00 if the application is ‘fast-tracked’).