What we do
Established in 1972, the Joint Industry Board for Plumbing, Mechanical Engineering Services (JIB-PMES) has been a provider of services and benefits to companies based in England and Wales for half a century.
National Working Rule Agreement
One of the main functions of the JIB-PMES is the role it plays as custodian of the National Working Rule Agreement (NWRA) for the Plumbing and Mechanical Engineering Services (PMES) sector. The NWRA is negotiated and agreed between the members of the JIB-PMES board, representing both employer organisations (APHC and NFB) and operatives (Unite the Union).
Benefits and services
Since its inception, the JIB-PMES has aimed to provide a range of benefits and services that are relevant to both employers and employees. Some of the benefits and services offered have changed since 1972, some have gone
altogether and other new initiatives have been negotiated, but the principle still remains: The benefits and services of JIB-PMES participation are designed to help protect and work for both employers and employees.
The conditions and range of services offered through JIB-PMES participation, include:
- Employer commitment to honour the NWRA for the Plumbing Industry
- JIB-PMES Welfare Benefit scheme
- Holiday Credit scheme
- JIB-PMES Employment support
- Various other benefits for employers and operatives engaged in either of the above schemes
Providing access to the range of JIB-PMES welfare benefits, which are available to operatives employed by participant employers, helps companies to attract and retain the best people.