Card renewal and replacement
JIB-PMES CSCS registration card renewal
It is the responsibility of the cardholder to renew their card in a timely manner. JIB-PMES CSCS registration cards can be renewed either online on hard copy.
PRO White cards can no longer be renewed
Please note that it is no longer possible to renew PRO White cards. To check the new requirements for these card types please follow this link:
Those looking to renew JIB-PMES CSCS ‘PHMES Related Occupation (Gas)’ cards, will need to visit the JIB-PMES CSCS ‘Gas Operative’ card page, as this is the new category of card which is applicable.
The application criteria has also recently changes for JIB-PMES CSCS Supervisor gold and Manager black cards. Therefore, if you are applying to renew either of these card types, we recommend you click on the following links to ensure you can meet the new card eligibility criteria:
In order to renew, existing cardholders will be expected to provide the following:
- Completed renewal form (online or hard copy)
- A current passport-sized colour photograph
- Evidence that you have passed an acceptable health and safety test within the last 2 years
- The JIB-PMES renewal fee (if applicable)
To renew or replace a card, please select one of the following options:
The standard card fee is £40. Cards are FREE to members of Unite the Union and employees of participant companies whose company is purchasing Holiday Credits or Welfare Benefits on their behalf.
If you are applying for a free card, please download a copy of the application form and submit your application either by email or hard copy. We cannot accept online applications for free cards.
If you gain an additional qualification which will allow you to move from holding a JIB-PMES CSCS ‘blue’ card to a JIB-PMES CSCS ‘gold’ card you can update your JIB-PMES CSCS registration card.
Please note, currently this process can only be completed using hard copy documentation as we do not have a facility for cards to be updated online.
To update a card, please download the correct application form for the new card and send it to us together with photocopies of your new certificate(s). We do not normally need a new photo.
Note: card changes from Blue to Gold can be made only if an appropriate Level 3 NVQ Diploma/NVQ Level 3 is achieved.
If you change your name, please send us a copy of your Deed of Change of Name (Deed Poll) so that we can issue a new card for you and retain the validity of your existing registration.
The standard fee for any card update is £40.00.
Replacing lost cards
We are happy to issue replacements for lost cards. Please contact us as soon as possible if your card is lost or stolen. You can use either the online renewal or replacement form or the hard copy renewal or replacement form (as above) to apply for the replacement of a lost card.
The replacement fee is £40.00.